Bee Removal & Bee Control, Wasp Nest Removal in Sun City, & Sun City West, AZ.
Looking for Affordable Bee Removal Service in Sun City and Sun City West AZ?
Then call The Beehive Bee and Wasp Removal. You’ll be absolutely blown away at our affordable bee removal prices and our excellent, fast and friendly service!
Have you found a beehive at your property recently? Or have the bees been hanging around there for a while? If so, it’s best to take action immediately before the bees can become well established. The bigger the beehive, the more guard bees it’ll have, and the more aggressive the bees may become.
We specialize in bee removal and bee control of the extermination of all flying and stinging insects in Sun City and Sun City West, as well as the Phoenix metro valley.
Honeybees are a beneficial insect and are credited with the pollination of many of our food crops. That’s why at THE BEEHIVE, we rescue bees and keep them alive and relocate them, as well as bee extermination.
Keep in mind it’s best to have an experienced professional handle a bee nest. Never try to get rid of a beehive or bee nest using store-bought products.
If you find a beehive at your home or business, they could be honey bees or Africanized bees. It takes a professional to identify them as they look the same.
Because we’re beekeepers with 30+ years of experience, we know how to handle even the most difficult and problematic bee infestations, as well as reoccurring bee problems.
Call THE BEEHIVE with any questions or concern you may have. Ask for a FREE ESTIMATE to solve your bee problem.
Our 24/7 Valley-wide Bee and Wasp Removal Services Include:
- Bee removal
- Bee control
- Bee extermination
- Swarm removal
- Live bee removal
- Property inspections
- Home bee proofing/sealing
- Wasp, yellow jacket, hornet, bumble bee extermination
- Bees at drinking water supplies, swimming pools or water fountains
- Beehive and honeycomb removal
- Humane, live bee rescue and relocation (when possible)
- Construction repair (if necessary) & honey clean-up
- Residential and commercial property inspection
- Honey and comb removal
- Repair work (if required after removing a beehive)
- Bee removal for residential and commercial property inspection