Are Queen Honey Bees Dangerous and do they Sting?

Generally speaking, honey bees are known to be gentle and non-aggressive insects. That said, like any animal, they can defend themselves if they feel threatened. This is especially true for queen honey bees, which are responsible for laying eggs and maintaining the colony.

That said, the queen bee is the leader of her colony for good reason. That’s because she is the matriarch of all the bees within the hive, and is tasked with the important job of laying all the eggs that ensures the hive’s survival. However, a common myth that surrounds these majestic insects is that queen bees are dangerous and can sting worse than all other bees in her colony.

Can a Queen Honey Bee Sting?

Queen bees have a long, sharp stinger that they use to defend themselves and their colony from predators. While their sting is not as painful as the sting of a worker bee, it can still be quite painful. In addition, queen bees may also release a pheromone that alerts other bees to a threat, which can lead to a swarm attack.

When are queen honey bees most likely to sting?

Queen honey bees are most likely to sting when they feel threatened. This can happen when the hive is disturbed, when they are being handled, or when they are threatened by another animal.

What should you do if you are stung by a queen honey bee?

Thus, when stung by a queen honey bee, it is recommended that you remove the stinger as soon as possible. This can be accomplished by scraping from your skin, the stinger. This can be done using your fingernail or the flat edge of a credit card. Once the stinger has been removed, clean the affected area with soapy water and then subsequently press something cold, such as an icepack, to reduce swelling.

Can queen honey bees kill you?

While queen honey bees can sting, their stings are not typically fatal. However, in rare cases, people who are allergic to bee stings may experience a severe allergic reaction, which can be life-threatening.

How can you avoid being stung by a queen honey bee?

The best way to avoid being stung by a queen honey bee is to avoid disturbing the hive. If you must work with bees, be sure to wear protective clothing and use a smoker to calm them down.

So, there you have it. Queen honey bees are generally not considered to be dangerous to humans. That said, they certainly have the ability to sting when threatened. In the unlikely chance you are stung by a queen honey bee, don’t forget it’s important to first remove the stinger sooner than later. Then, go and wash the affected  area of skin with soapy water. In rare cases, people who are allergic to bee stings may experience a severe allergic reaction, which can be life-threatening.

If you would like to learn more about queen honey bees, contact the bee removal experts at The Beehive, Bee and Wasp Removal.

Categories : Bee Facts